CPD 236 - Ethics with Reel Time CLE
Qualifies for 6 CPD Hours, all of which qualifies for Ethics.
One of the most significant aspects of doing business in an increasingly global economy (as well as communities that grow more multi-ethnic and multicultural each day) is the challenge of sustained interaction between people who are different from us in various ways. Even the simplest of encounters can often leave all parties, including clients and customers, feeling confused, frustrated, offended, or (worst of all) seriously hurt—even when everyone involved began with the best of intentions. Specifically in the legal realm, the adoption and promotion of Rule 6.3 of the Code of Professional Conduct, which adds harassment and discrimination to the types of sanctionable professional misconduct, make it imperative that lawyers and support staff learn to identify their blind spots in this tricky area.
This lively, interactive workshop explores crosscultural interactions, and the ways that so-called "implicit" or unconscious biases that we all have can affect how we interact with each other. Participants will explore the ways that implicit biases may show up, the impact they can have, the sources from which they arise, and best practices for mitigating their effects. ReelTime uses clips from three of their original films to illustrate the issues and encourage discussion.
CPD 236 - Ethics with Reel Time CLE - Program & Materials Package.pdf
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