CPD 371 - Discover YOUR vLex: Artificial Intelligence, eBooks and Case Law
Recorded 2023-11-07.
Qualifies for 1.0 CPD hour.Power Point CPD 317
https://www.lawsociety.sk.ca/wp-content/uploads/Power-Point-CPD-371.pdfAs a Law Society of Saskatchewan member, you have free online access to a powerful artificial intelligence research assistant. vLex’s Vincent tool can ana...
CPD 365 - Introducing the Gladue Submission Guide
Recorded 2023-09-19
Qualifies for 1.0 CPD Hour, all of which qualifies for EthicsPowerPoint
https://www.lawsociety.sk.ca/wp-content/uploads/Power-Point-CPD-365-Introducing-the-Gladue-Submission-Guide.pdfGladue Submission Guide
https://legalaid.sk.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Gladue-Submissio... -
CPD 105 - Legal Research Ethics
CPD 340 - Discover Your CanLII
Recorded 2022-10-24
Qualifies for 1.0 CPD hour.
PowerPoint https://www.lawsociety.sk.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Power-Point-CPD-340-Discover-YOUR-CanLII.pdfDiscover (or rediscover) the Canadian Legal Information Institute (CanLII) website in this free webinar opportunity!
CPD 320 - Discover YOUR Westlaw: Get the Most Out of this Amazing Tool!
https://www.lawsociety.sk.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/PowerPoint-CPD-320-Ken-Fox.pdf -
CPD 310 - Searching Saskatchewan Legislation: Your Key Primer
Qualifies for 1.0 CPD Hour.
Recorded 2021-10-28.Materials:
https://www.lawsociety.sk.ca/power-point-cpd-310_searching-saskatchewan-legislation-2/Lost in legislation? Trying to trace the history of an elusive statute? Never fear: your bearded legal information gurus – Legal Resources Co-Dir...
CPD 240 - Meet Vincent! The Next Generation of Legal Research Technology
Qualifies for 1 CPD Hour
Links to PowerPoints:
Are you ready for the next generation of legal resea...
CPD 197 - Searching vLex Canada
Qualifies for 1 CPD hour.
Want to be ready for the biggest disruption to Canada’s legal information landscape in recent years? Then you can’t afford to miss this must-see webinar with Ken Fox and Alan Kilpat...
CPD 178 - Primo: An Introduction to Our New Library Catalogue
Qualifies for 1 CPD hour.
Recorded on: December 14, 2017
https://www.lawsociety.sk.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/cpd-178-dec2017.pdfWant to learn more about the Library Catalogue and how to use it?
CPD 172 - Researching Provincial and Federal Legislative Histories Online
Qualifies for 1 CPD hour.
CPD 143 - Advanced Search Techniques Using CanLII and Westlaw
Qualifies for 1 CPD Hour
Recorded on: October 12, 2016https://www.lawsociety.sk.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/CPD-143-wln-kenslides.pdf
How do you find the perfect case? Do you have trouble searching online le...
CPD 132 - Introducing WestlawNext; Getting the most out of it!
Qualifies for 1 CPD hour
Recorded on: November 24, 2015https://www.lawsociety.sk.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/k-fox-powerpoint.pdf
As of July 2015, all Saskatchewan lawyers have access to WestlawNext Canada....
CPD 110 - Fun with Citations - the Citation Guide for the Courts of Saskatchewan
Qualified for 1 CPD hour
https://www.lawsociety.sk.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/CPD-110-CitationGuidePowerpointJan2015.pdfYou’ve likely heard there is a new publication called the Citation Guide for the Courts of Saskatchewan. Its purpose is to provide a standard set of citation rules for use ...