Real Estate

Real Estate

Real Estate
  • CPD 381 - Common Pitfalls in Residential Real Estate Law

    Recorded 2024-03-06
    Qualifies for 1.5 CPD hours.

    Marc Kelly and Brad Jamieson discuss several issues in Residential Real Estate law that can create problems, including:

    -Updated standard trust conditions
    -Non-Canadians and purchase of residential real estate
    -Law Society commentary on amendi...

  • CPD 344.2 - Debtor Creditor Basics: Real Property in SK

    Qualifies for 1.0 CPD Hour.
    Recorded 2022-11-24

    Power Point


  • CPD 326 - Residential Real Estate101: Essentials for Practice

    Recorded 2022-05-10
    Qualifies for 2.0 CPD hours.

    This seminar focuses on the fundamentals of Saskatchewan residential real estate law. A perfect webinar for new and transfer lawyers, or those hoping to start working in real estate. Come and learn the details and navigation of common real estate...

  • CPD 306 - Residential Foreclosure

    Recorded 2021-Sep 29
    Qualifies for 1.0 CPD Hour.

    Power Point

    LSS Resource for Residential Foreclosure

  • [E1] Title Insurance, Sadiq Husain (CPD 269.1, Financing a File Series)

    Episode qualifies for 0.5 CPD Hour
    Recorded 2020-07-30

    This presentation covers primarily the loan policy with respect to commercial transactions. Join Sadiq Hussain of First Canadian Title in Winnipeg.

  • CPD 273 - Proposed Land Charges Act: Practitioner Perspectives

    Qualifies for 1 CPD Hour
    Recorded 2020-10-06


    The Law Reform Commission...

  • CPD 248 - Update on Law Reform Commission of SK Proposed Land Act (Sep 26, 2019)

    Qualifies for 1 CPD Hour

    Following up his webinar from January 2018, Professor Ron Cuming will present a final report of the Law Reform Commission's proposals for a new Land Charges Act for S...

  • CPD 210 - Joint Tenancy & Land Titles Issues in Estate Planning and Litigation

    Qualifies for 1 CPD hour.
    Recorded 2018-11-07


    Estate litigation involving land titles is an increasingly busy and interesting area of practice. When do ...

  • CPD 196 - Real Estate and Construction Law (Part 1)

    Recorded: 2018-05-17
    Qualifies for 4 CPD Hours (2 parts)

    "The morning was led by a group of Real Estate experts. The session began with a presentation on the Condominium Property Act and moved to Land Development and Servicing with the homebuilders of Dream. The presenters from Dream explained t...

  • CPD 196 - Real Estate and Construction Law (Part 2)

    Recorded: 2018-05-17
    Part 1 - Qualifies for 2.5 CPD hours
    Part 2 - Qualifies for 1.5 CPD hours
    Qualifies for 4 CPD Hours (2 parts)

    "The morning was led by a group of Real Estate experts. The session began with a presentation on the Condominium Property Act and moved to Land Development and Servi...

  • CPD 169 - Interests in Land-Statutory and Equitable Considerations

    Qualifies for 1.5 CPD hours.

    The Land Titles Act 2000, is the governing legislation in relation to registration of title to, and interests in, land....

  • CPD 115 - The Purchase and Sale of a Revenue Property (April 8, 2015)

    Recorded: 2015-04-08
    Qualifies for 1 CPD Hour


    The purchase and sale of ...

  • CPD 61- Builders Lien Essentials (Nov 22, 2012)

    Qualifies for 1 CPD Hour

    This webinar reviews the Builders' Lien Act and provides an update on relevant juris...

  • CPD 23 - Focus on Real Estate (Part 1)

  • CPD 23 - Focus on Real Estate (Part 2)