Seminars & Workshops

Seminars & Workshops

Seminars & Workshops
  • CPD 302 - Virtual Hearings (Session 5, The Litigator's Seminar)

    Recorded 2021-06-10.
    Qualifies for 1.5 CPD Hours.

    Session 5 of The Litigator's Seminar.


  • CPD 302 - Binding Pre-Trial Conferences (Session 3, The Litigator's Seminar)

    Recorded 2021-06-09.
    Qualifies for 1.0 CPD Hour.

    Session 3 of The Litigator's Seminar.


  • CPD 302 - Summary Judgment Update (Session 2, The Litigator's Seminar)

    Recorded 2021-06-09.
    Qualifies for 1.0 CPD Hour.

    Session 2 of The Litigator's Seminar.


    Presenters: Justice N. Bardai, Court of Queen's Bench (Saskatoon). Will...

  • CPD 302 - The Litigator's Seminar. Chief Justice Popescul (Session 1)

    Recorded 2021-06-09.
    Qualifies for 0.5 CPD Hour.

    Session 1 of The Litigator's Seminar.

    Presenter: Chief Justice M.D. Popescul, Court of Queen's Bench for Saskatchewan.

  • CPD 300 - Contentious Issues & Common Pitfalls (Session 5, Wills & Estates)

    Recorded 2021-06-02.
    Qualifies for 1.5 CPD Hours.

    Session 5 of the 2021 Wills & Estates: Updates and Common Issues seminar.


    Presenter: Curtis Onishenko, McKercher LLP (Saskatoon).

  • CPD 300 - Common Estate Litigation_ Current State of Law & Procedure (Session 4)

    Recorded 2021-06-02.
    Qualifies for 1.0 CPD Hour.

    Session 4 of the 2021 Wills & Estates: Updates and Common Issues.


    Presenter: James Steele, Robertson Stromberg LLP (Saskatoon).

  • CPD 300 - Recent Legislative Changes (Session 2, Wills & Estates)

    Recorded 2021-06-01.
    Qualifies for 0.5 CPD Hour.

    Session 2 of the 2021 Wills & Estates: Updates and Common Issues seminar.

    No Materials.

    Presenter: Ryan Malley, McKercher LLP (Regina).

  • CPD 300 - Ethical Considerations in Estate Planning (Session 1, Wills & Estates)

    Recorded 2021-06-01.
    Qualifies for 1.5 CPD Hours, all of which qualify for Ethics.

    Session 1 of the 2021 Wills & Estates: Updates and Common Issues seminar.

    Moderator: Erin Bokshowan, MLT Aikins (Saskatoon).

    Panelists: Randal Touet, The W Law Group (Saskatoon).Darlene Wingerak, Robertson St...

  • CPD 296 - Binding Pre-trial Conferences (Session 4, New Family Law Rules)

    Qualifies for 0.5 CPD Hours.

    Session 4 of Simpler Better Faster: Saskatchewan's New Family Law Rules. Recorded 2021-05-18.

    Materials: None.

    Presenter: Kendra Jacobs, Gerrand Rath Johnson (Regina).

  • CPD 296 - Financial Disclosure: New Forms (Session 3, New Family Law Rules)

    Recorded 2021-05-18.
    Qualifies for 1.0 CPD Hours.

    Session 3 of Simpler Better Faster: Saskatchewan's New Family Law Rules seminar.


  • CPD 296 - Family Law: Applications (Session 2, New Family Law Rules)

    Recorded 2021-05-18.
    Qualifies for 1.0 CPD Hour.

    Session 2 of Simpler Better Faster: Saskatchewan's New Family Law Rules seminar.

    Materials: None.

    Presenter: Sean Sinclair, Robertson Stromberg LLP (Saskatoon).

  • CPD 296 - Overview of Family Law Rule Changes (Session 1, New Family Law Rules)

    Recorded 2021-05-18.
    Qualifies for 0.5 CPD Hour.

    Session 1 of Simpler, Better, Faster: Saskatchewan's New Family Law Rules seminar.


    Presenter: Greg Walen, Q.C., Scharfstein Gibbings Wale...

  • CPD 296 - Family Law: Specialties (Session 6, New Family Law Rules)

    Recorded 2021-05-18.
    Qualifies for 1.0 CPD Hour.

    Session 6 of Simpler Better Faster: Saskatchewan's New Family Law Rules.

    Materials: None

    Presenter: Mr. Justice R.N. Turcotte, Court of Queen's Bench (Saskatoon).

  • CPD 296 - Resolving Claims Without Full Trial (Session 5, New Family Law Rules))

    Recorded 2021-05-18.
    Qualifies for 1.0 CPD Hour.

    Session 5 of Simpler Better Faster: Saskatchewan's New Family Law Rules.

    Materials: None.

    Presenter: Christine Hansen-Chad, OWZW (Regina).

  • CPD 297.8 - Top 10 Things to Know About Civil Litigation (Session 8)

    Qualifies for 1.0 CPD Hour.
    Recorded 2021-4-21.

    Session 8 of Boot Camp for Junior Lawyers.
    Presenters: Justice C.D. Clackson and Anita Fraser.

  • CPD 297.7 - Top 10 Things to Know About Family Law (Session 7)

    Qualifies for 1.0 CPD Hour.
    Recorded 2021-04-21.

    Session 6 of Boot Camp for Junior Lawyers.
    Presenters: James Vogel, Q.C. (Regina) and Deborah Giles (Saskatoon)


  • CPD 297.6 - Top 10 Things to Know About Criminal Law (Session 6)

    Qualifies for 1.0 CPD Hour.
    Recorded 2021-04-21.

    Session 6 of Boot Camp for Junior Lawyers. Presenters: Madam Justice K.L. Zerr, Court of Queen's Bench (Saskatoon) and Aaron Fox, Q.C., McDougall Gauley LLP (Saskatoon).


  • CPD 297.5 - Top 10 Things to Know About Corporate Commercial Law (Session 5)

    Qualifies for 1.0 CPD Hour.
    Recorded 2021-04-21.

    Session 5 of Boot Camp for Junior Lawyers.
    Presenters: Ryan Grieve, McDougall Gauley LLP (Saskatoon) and Joe Gill, McKercher LLP (Saskatoon).


  • CPD 297.4 - Top 10 Things to Know About Wills & Estates (Session 4)

    Qualifies for 1.0 CPD Hour.
    Recorded 2021-04-21.

    Session 4 of Boot Camp for Junior Lawyers.
    Presenters: Evert van Olst, Q.C. and Megan Lorenz, McDougall Gauley LLP (Saskatoon).


  • CPD 297.1 - Communication with Counsel (Session 1)

    Qualifies for 1.0 CPD Hour.
    Recorded 2021-04-20.

    Session 1 of Boot Camp for Junior Lawyers.
    Presenter: Joanne Moser, Q.C., Nychuk & Company (Regina).


  • CPD 237 - What's New in Wills, Estates, and Trusts

    7 items

    Qualifies for 5 CPD hours.

    The day will begin with a discussion from a Certified Professional Accountant discussing considerations of blended family and farming corporations. Next, learn about the tax changes to testamentary trusts and the impact of TOSI rules in trust planning from an experienc...

  • CPD 250 - Technology Academy Featuring Barron Henley: Tips & Tricks

    9 items

    Qualifies for 6 CPD Hours, all of which qualifies for Ethics.

    Due to the complex formatting often required with legal documents, most users find Microsoft Word to be a constant source of frustration. It's the primary tool used to produce work product, yet many feel it works against them and bott...

  • CPD 218 - Legal Basics for Boards

    6 items

    Qualifies for 5.5 CPD Hours.

    This seminar is dedicated to a thorough discussion of the responsibilities and best practices of being a board director. With such a high level of responsibility required from directors
    today this overview will prove beneficial for both new and experienced board mem...

  • CPD 217 - Matrimonial Real Property Rights on Reserve

    4 items

    Qualifies for 4 CPD Hours, all of which qualifies for Ethics.

    For many years the Indian Act left a “legislative gap” respecting matrimonial real property (MRP) on reserves. Spouses living on reserves lacked typical rights and protections regarding MRP during relationships, upon breakdown or afte...