CPD 319 - Consultation on Reform of The Class Action Act
1h 2m
Recorded 2022 Feb 15
Qualifies for 1.0 CPD Hour.
Director of the Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan, Leah Howie, will provide an overview of the Law Reform Commission's Class Action Reform project. The Commission is currently consulting on this project and is seeking input from the bar, including:
Is The Class Actions Act furthering the three objectives of class actions: (1) access to justice, (2) judicial economy, and (3) behaviour modification?
Is The Class Actions Act in need of reform to better reflect current class actions practice and procedure?
The Consultation Report can be found here (https://lawreformcommission.sk.ca/Class-Actions-Act-Consultation-Report.pdf) and the consultation survey can be completed here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NVBRHX7.