[E2] A General Update on Sexual Offense Litigation (CPD 291.2)
CPD 291 - Working with Sexual Trauma Survivors Series
1h 8m
Qualifies for 1.0 CPD Hour, all of which qualifies for Ethics.
Recorded 2020-11-25
PowerPoint Presentation https://www.lawsociety.sk.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/PowerPoint-Presentation-CPD-291-Just-a-Tease.pdf
Litigating sexual offenses has historically been complicated, and emotionally difficult for all parties involved. The high-profile case of Ghomeshi was a catalyst for change when women’s activist and rights groups lobbied for change for how sexual offenses are reported, investigated, and prosecuted in Canada. In June of 2017, the Liberal government introduced Bill C-51, which outlined a number of amendments to the Criminal Code regarding the procedure to be followed during the prosecution of sexual offenses, as well as additional protections and rights for complainants. Our judicial system has had to grapple with the application of the amendments, alongside dealing with the specific evidentiary issues that arise during the prosecution of sexual offenses in Canada.
Loree Richardson of Legal Aid Saskatchewan, explores some of the fall-out from Bill C-51, as well as some current hot topics that will impact not only lawyers, but complainants and investigators, as sexual offenses remain at the forefront of media scrutiny.
Up Next in CPD 291 - Working with Sexual Trauma Survivors Series
[E1] Working with Survivors of Sexual...
Qualifies for 1.0 CPD Hour, all of which qualify for Ethics.
Recorded 2020-11-25Materials:
PowerPoint https://www.lawsociety.sk.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/PowerPoint-Presentation-CPD-291-RSAC-Working-with-Survivors-of-Sexual-Violence.pdfSexual violence can be a traumatic experience for ma...
[E3] Bill C-51 Counsel for Complainan...
Qualifies for 0 CPD Hours.
Recorded 2020-11-25Materials:
PowerPoint Presentation https://www.lawsociety.sk.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/PowerPoint-Presentation-CPD-291-C51-Counsel-for-Complainants.pdfDale Tesarowski, Executive Director of the Corporate Initiatives Branch, Integrated Justice ...