CPD 20 - Division of Pensions
1h 2m
Qualifies for 1 CPD hour.
Recorded on: April 12, 2011
The proper valuation and division of a pension is perhaps the most misunderstood and difficult concept in Family law practice. Tune in to learn some useful tips!
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CPD 199 - Cybersecurity Webinar and T...
Qualifies for 0.5 CPD hours, all of which qualifies for Ethics
Recorded on: April 24, 2018Materials:
CPD 197 - Searching vLex Canada
Qualifies for 1 CPD hour.
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CPD 191 - Creating and Managing a Dig...
Qualifies for 1 CPD hour, all of which qualifies for Ethics.
Recorded on: April 7, 2018https://www.lawsociety.sk.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/CPD-191-pp-creating-and-managing-a-digital-officemar2018_191.pdf