Seminars & Workshops

Seminars & Workshops

Seminars & Workshops
  • CPD 200 - Technology Academy with Barron Henley

    5 items

    Qualifies for 6 CPD Hours, 2 of which qualify for Ethics.

    Barron is a nationally acclaimed legal technology expert who teaches continuing legal education classes throughout the U.S. and Canada covering a wide variety of topics related to law practice management, technology and ethics. Barron's c...

  • CPD 225 - Current Trends in Professional Regulation

    4 items

    Qualifies for 3.5 CPD hours.

    Keynote speaker Bryan Salte, Q.C. is currently the Associate Registrar and Legal Counsel for the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan, a position he has held since 1999. His primary responsibilities include general counsel work for the College of Physic...

  • CPD 23 - Focus on Real Estate

    3 items

    This televised seminar is designed to meet the needs of urban and rral practitioners faced with the complexities of real estate transactions. Watch this seminar to hear a variety of presentation in areas such as ethical issues, practice management challenges, as well as practical and policy issue...

  • CPD 236 - Ethics with Reel Time CLE

    1 item

    Qualifies for 6 CPD Hours, all of which qualifies for Ethics.

    One of the most significant aspects of doing business in an increasingly global economy (as well as communities that grow more multi-ethnic and multicultural each day) is the challenge of sustained interaction between people who are d...

  • CPD 196 - Real Estate and Construction Law

    3 items

    Qualifies for 5 CPD hours.

    The morning was led by a group of Real Estate experts. The session began with a presentation on the Condominium Property Act and moved to Land Development and Servicing with the homebuilders of Dream. The presenters from Dream explained the procedures and processes of ...

  • CPD 213 - Hot Topics in Estate Planning

    2 items

    Qualifies for 1.5 CPD Hours, 0.5 of which qualifies for Ethics.

    The advances in assisted human reproduction medicine have led to an ever growing number of Saskatchewan families using invitro-fertilization, egg or sperm donors, surrogates, embryo adoption and other medical assistance to build the...

  • CPD 188 - Through the Eyes of the Child

    5 items

    Qualifies for 6 CPD hours, all of which qualifies for Ethics.

    This important session has been conceived of by a group of family law practitioners and judges with the express purpose of aiding lawyers in navigating the murky waters of high conflict parental separation and disputes. It seeks to of...

  • CPD 186 - The Benefits of Diversity

    4 items

    Recorded Oct 2018
    Qualifies for 4 CPD hours, all of which qualifies for Ethics.


    The Canadian legal profession has also been increasing in diversity, but equity-seeki...

  • CPD 187 - After the Ash Settles

    2 items

    Qualifies for 5.5 CPD hours.

    In October 2018, federal legislation comes into force which authorises Canadian provinces and territories to establish mechanisms for the sale of recreational marijuana. Legalisation ends almost a century of near criminal prohibitions related to marijuana and makes C...

  • CPD 181 - The Big Shift: Responding to Increasing Self Representation in FL

    3 items

    Qualifies for 2 CPD hours, 0.5 of which qualifies for Ethics.

    Self-represented litigants have been appearing before the courts and other parts of the justice system in growing numbers, resulting in increased challenges for the courts, lawyers, and other practitioners in the family justice system...

  • CPD 107 - Representing Children in Proceedings

    5 items

    Qualifies for 7 CPD hours, 1 of which qualifies for Ethics.

    Throughout this seminar you will learn practice methods and processes of how to deliver services in child protection proceedings, including mediation, where the court makes an order for counsel or the program and upon referral, the prog...

  • CPD 124 - Family Law: Nailing Down the Deal

    2 items

    Qualifies for 5.5 CPD hours, 0.5 of which qualifies for Ethics.

    This seminar is designed to provide practitioners with insight and practical advice on the emerging and increasingly complex isues in family law. This seminar presents a series of innovative topics and will concentrate on drafting e...

  • CPD 86 - Wills, Estates, and Trusts: End-of-Life Decision Making

    2 items

    This seminar is designed to provide practitioners with insight and practical advice on the emerging and increasingly complex issues in the area of wills, estates, trusts and other end-of-life decisions.

  • CPD 91 - Ethical Negotiations

    5 items

    Qualifies for 5.5 CPD hours, all of which qualifies for Ethics.

    Raise the bar on your ethical Negotiations skills! This seminar hosts a group of experienced and skilled practitioners that will provide thought provoking and innovative discussion in the areas of ethical Negotiations techniques, so...

  • CPD 26 - Bootcamp for Small Firms/Solo Practitioners

    3 items

    Qualifies for 5.5 CPD hours, 2.5 of which qualifies for Ethics.

    This seminar is designed for lawyers working as part of a small firm or as a sole practitioner. Watch this seminar to discover strategies and techniques dedicated to effectively using your time and resources as well as managing chal...

  • CPD 75 - Focus on Agriculture and Farm Law

    3 items

    Qualifies for 5 CPD hours.

    This seminar will provide a series of innovative topics and relevant case law to all practitioners dealing with the complexities of agriculture and farm law. Hear about developments and challenges in areas such as compliance with foreign ownership, agricultural real es...

  • CPD 135 - The Business of Law