CPD 361.4 - Common (and Uncommon) Estate Planning Issues
Qualifies for 1.5 CPD Hours, of which .50 qualifies for Ethics.
Recorded 2023-06-06Materials
https://www.lawsociety.sk.ca/wp-content/uploads/Power-Point-CPD-361-Panel-Discussion.pdfHannah Zip. Scotia Wealth Management, Saskatoon.
Shoshanna Paul. TDS Law, Saskatoon.
Tyler Wake. Lakefield LLP,... -
CPD 361 - Estate Planning: Issues New and Old
3 items
CPD 368 - When Estates Go to Court: Recent Saskatchewan Decisions
Recorded 2023-10-12
Qualifies for 1.0 CPD HourSeveral recent Saskatchewan decisions provide guidance on various estate law topics. These include issues related to estate administration, as well as more contentious issues such as will challenges. This webinar summarizes some of the recent Saskat...
CPD 361.1 - Estate Planning for Blended Families
Qualifies for 1.5 CPD Hours.
Recorded 2023-06-06Materials
https://www.lawsociety.sk.ca/wp-content/uploads/Power-Point-CPD-361-Estate-Planning-for-Blended-Families.pdfDarlene Wingerak. Robertson Stromberg LLP, Saskatoon.
Sean Sinclair. Robertson Stromberg LLP, Saskatoon.Darlene and Sean will...
CPD 361.3 - Estate Donations- 7 Years After
Recorded version qualifies for .75 CPD Hours.
Recorded 2023-06-06Materials
https://www.lawsociety.sk.ca/wp-content/uploads/Power-Point-CPD-361-Estate-Donations-Burrows.pdfMalcolm Burrows. Scotia Wealth Management, Toronto ON.
The “estate donations” rules accompanied the 2016 introduction of ...
CPD 300 - Ethical Considerations in Estate Planning (Session 1, Wills & Estates)
Recorded 2021-06-01.
Qualifies for 1.5 CPD Hours, all of which qualify for Ethics.Session 1 of the 2021 Wills & Estates: Updates and Common Issues seminar.
Moderator: Erin Bokshowan, MLT Aikins (Saskatoon).
Panelists: Randal Touet, The W Law Group (Saskatoon).Darlene Wingerak, Robertson St...
CPD 300 - Recent Legislative Changes (Session 2, Wills & Estates)
Recorded 2021-06-01.
Qualifies for 0.5 CPD Hour.Session 2 of the 2021 Wills & Estates: Updates and Common Issues seminar.
No Materials.
Presenter: Ryan Malley, McKercher LLP (Regina).
CPD 300 - Use of Trusts (Session 3, Wills & Estates)
Recorded 2021-06-01.
Qualifies for 0.5 CPD Hour.Session 3 of the 2021 Wills & Estates: Updates and Common Issues seminar.
Materials: https://www.lawsociety.sk.ca/power-point-presentation-cpd-300_use-of-trust-and-dependant-adult/; https://www.lawsociety.sk.ca/resource-cpd-300_speaking-notes-ca...
CPD 300 - Common Estate Litigation_ Current State of Law & Procedure (Session 4)
Recorded 2021-06-02.
Qualifies for 1.0 CPD Hour.Session 4 of the 2021 Wills & Estates: Updates and Common Issues.
Materials: https://www.lawsociety.sk.ca/resource-cpd-300_will-challenges-paper-james-steele/
Presenter: James Steele, Robertson Stromberg LLP (Saskatoon).
CPD 300 - Contentious Issues & Common Pitfalls (Session 5, Wills & Estates)
Recorded 2021-06-02.
Qualifies for 1.5 CPD Hours.Session 5 of the 2021 Wills & Estates: Updates and Common Issues seminar.
Materials: https://www.lawsociety.sk.ca/power-point-presentation-cpd-300_contentious-issues/
Presenter: Curtis Onishenko, McKercher LLP (Saskatoon).
CPD 297.4 - Top 10 Things to Know About Wills & Estates (Session 4)
Qualifies for 1.0 CPD Hour.
Recorded 2021-04-21.Session 4 of Boot Camp for Junior Lawyers.
Presenters: Evert van Olst, Q.C. and Megan Lorenz, McDougall Gauley LLP (Saskatoon).Materials: https://www.lawsociety.sk.ca/powerpoint-presentation-cpd-297-estate-planning-for-lawyers-lorenz/.
CPD 288 - Plan Well Guide: A tool to support decision-making in serious illness
Qualifies for 1 CPD Hour
Recorded 2020-11-26
Here is the link to the PowerPoint and Paper for this presentation:
https://www.lawsociety.sk.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Paper-CPD-288.docx... -
CPD 237 - What's New in Wills, Estates, and Trusts (with Jenna Kraushaar)
Qualifies for 5 CPD Hours, 1 of which qualifies for Ethics
“The day will begin with a discussion from a Certified Professional Accountant discussing considerations of blended family and farming corporations. Next, learn about the tax changes to testamentary trusts and the impact of TOSI rules in...
CPD 237 - What's New in Wills, Estates, and Trusts (with Maria Markatos)
Qualifies for 5 CPD Hours, 1 of which qualifies for Ethics
“The day will begin with a discussion from a Certified Professional Accountant discussing considerations of blended family and farming corporations. Next, learn about the tax changes to testamentary trusts and the impact of TOSI rules in...
CPD 237 - What's New in Wills, Estates, and Trusts (with Sandra Bobyck)
Qualifies for 5 CPD Hours, 1 of which qualifies for Ethics
“The day will begin with a discussion from a Certified Professional Accountant discussing considerations of blended family and farming corporations. Next, learn about the tax changes to testamentary trusts and the impact of TOSI rules in...
CPD 237 - What's New in Wills, Estates & Trusts (Weiler & von Tigerstrom)
Qualifies for 5 CPD Hours, 1 of which qualifies for Ethics
“The day will begin with a discussion from a Certified Professional Accountant discussing considerations of blended family and farming corporations. Next, learn about the tax changes to testamentary trusts and the impact of TOSI rules in...
CPD 237 - What's New in Wills, Estates, and Trusts (with Beaty Beaubier)
Qualifies for 5 CPD Hours, 1 of which qualifies for Ethics
“The day will begin with a discussion from a Certified Professional Accountant discussing considerations of blended family and farming corporations. Next, learn about the tax changes to testamentary trusts and the impact of TOSI rules in...
CPD 237 - What's New in Wills, Estates, and Trusts (with Clint Gifford)
Qualifies for 5 CPD Hours, 1 of which qualifies for Ethics
“The day will begin with a discussion from a Certified Professional Accountant discussing considerations of blended family and farming corporations. Next, learn about the tax changes to testamentary trusts and the impact of TOSI rules in...
CPD 210 - Joint Tenancy & Land Titles Issues in Estate Planning and Litigation
Qualifies for 1 CPD hour.
Recorded 2018-11-07Materials:
https://www.lawsociety.sk.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/CPD-210-joint-tenancy-and-land-titles-in-estate-planning-and-litigation.pdfEstate litigation involving land titles is an increasingly busy and interesting area of practice. When do ...
CPD 213 - Hot Topics in Estate Planning: Ass'td Reproduction and Estate Planning
Qualifies for 1 CPD hour
https://www.lawsociety.sk.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/CPD-213-art-and-estate-planning.pdf -
CPD 209 - Digital Assets in Estate Planning
Qualifies for 1 CPD hour.
Recorded on: September 25, 2018https://www.lawsociety.sk.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/CPD-209-digital-assets-in-estate-planning.pdf
Almost every client who walks through your door will have some form of “digital asset”. These assets can range from more simplistic ex...
CPD 157 - Health Care Directives
Qualified for 1 CPD hour
Recorded on: October 25, 2016Materials:
https://www.lawsociety.sk.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/CPD-157-health-care-directives-webinar.pdfClients often look to lawyers to assist them in planning for the future and ensuring their voices are heard. In the context of he...
CPD 86 - Wills, Estates and Trusts End of Life